Welcome to The Photographers' Exchange Members Website
Welcome, please bookmark and visit regularly to view our members' images and important information about The Photographers' Exchange.
We are a non-profit membership organization dedicated to the promotion of photography as a fine art. We have held monthly meetings since 1990 in Orange County, CA.
We meet on the third Thursday of each month at the Irvine Fine Arts Center from 6:30-9:30pm. The center is located at 14321 Yale St. in the city of Irvine. For meeting dates and directions select the Calendar and Location Map.
Our monthly meetings are centered on an evening of constructive image critiques. All members are encouraged to bring up to five images for review. Every effort is made to provide an open and friendly atmosphere for the critiques. Great feedback is provided from a variety of imaging perspectives. Discussions are positive and encorage the growth of the imaging arts.
Visitors are welcome to attend a few meetings before paying a membership of $36 per year. Membership benefits go beyond the meetings held each month. Every year an anniversary party is held in April. The annual event is a highlight for members who wish to participate in the print exchange. In addition to the food and good conversation, before the evening is over, every participant will make a selection for their print exchange. This website is another benefit made possible through our membership support. There is also The Photo Exchange Blog created, maintained and monitored by Photo Exchange dedicated members Doug Stockdale and Gerhard Clausing. The blog is packed with useful photographic events, happenings and information. The blog is accessed by visting
www.thephotoexchange.wordpress.com We have many other projects in development for our members. Stay tuned for further announcements.
The Photographers' Exchange group prides itself on the diversity of its membership. There are several members who work in a very traditional manner, while others are very experimental in concept and technique. We have never thought of ourselves as an exclusive organization; all levels of skill and ability are welcome. The meetings are a place where an “exchange” of ideas is encouraged and supported. Please come by and visit us at The Irvine Fine Arts Center on any third Thursday of the month. We encorage you to view and enjoy our members' work here at ThePhotoExchange.org
Check Us out on Facebook. This is a membership group as well so be patient with any submission requests.


